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Sunday, August 25, 2019

Abbie talks about DADDY (David Mudie) and WW2

We were in the war from 1941-1945 (Mom was born Oct 7, 1930)
During the war (which rhymes with star)
Daddy was an air raid warden.

 A siren rang out similar to a fire siren, 
but louder and more eerie. 

We lived in Beechview and during that time we had little Lenny (the blind foster child who might have been 2 years old or under.) When we heard the siren that meant go to your basement and put out all your lights. Mum  (Sadie) carried Lenny down the steps and explained to him that we needed to be quiet and put all the lights out.  

As an air raid warden, DADDY would walk up and down the street telling people to put their lights out. He couldn't join the army because he was deaf in one ear and he was too old.  So his contribution was an air raid warden. 

Everybody was patriotic. Not like today. There were no protesters, nobody against the president. 

We recycled tin cans to be used for war materials. We bought defense stamps and turned them into bonds. Every Tuesday was stamp day at school. We spent 50 cents or a dollar on stamps and we pasted them into our stamp books. When the book was full we took it to the bank. The $18.75 stamps became $25.00 in ten years.

The entire country was united and wanting to help 
any way they could. 
Daddy was so proud of our cousins Jack (navy) and Bud (army) Mudie because they served our country.

The end of the war---The United States  with the authorization of President Harry Truman, dropped an atomic bomb on the people of Hiroshima, Japan on August 6, 1945 and one on Nagasaki, Japan on August 9, 1945. Buffy was taking chemistry and the students asked the teacher to explain what an atomic bomb was. But the teacher didn't know anything. Nobody understood what a nuclear bomb was. But FINALLY the war ended. People were happy.

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