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Saturday, September 10, 2016

The Scandal

Else and Bob (She loved to talk about BAAAHHHHB)
This was Elsie Lemke Mudie

Story told by MOM----The Mudies were living in the Beaver Falls house "in the country." At that point, "poor Grandma" (Elizabeth Walder) was affected badly by Alzheimer's and "Mum" (Sadie Mudie) had the difficult job of taking care of her. Among other things, Grandma would escape and some neighbors brought her back. Aunt Lou and Aunt Else (pictured above) lived at the Mt Troy house (2768) and every weekend they would alternate coming by train to the Beaver Falls house to help Mum take care of Grandma. 
Uncle Bob was Granddad David Mudie's younger brother. He had come over from Scotland to enlist in the U.S.  Army. He fought in the war (WWII) and became a U.S. citizen. After the war he moved into the Beaver Falls house with the Mudies.
So Else had a squeaky, "teeny tiny" voice. Everyone would be in the living room and they'd all go upstairs to go to bed. EXCEPT that Else stayed downstairs talking to "BAHHHHB." (Bob) "Oh Bahhhb." She talked highly of him. No one thought anything of it until Buffy suspected a spark of some sort. "I didn't believe a word of it," Mom tells me.  But of course, Buffy was right. There was a secret romance going on between Else and "Baaaaaahhhhhhb." 
They were in their 50s and they got married by a justice of the peace. Bob was a carpenter and he built a nice little house for them to live in. But the way he built the house with no plans drove Daddy crazy. He would decide on the spot to build a fireplace here and a room over there. 

  This marriage involved the 2 separate families marrying-- Mudie brothers (David and Bob) married sisters Sadie and Else (technically cousins raised as sisters)

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