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Friday, September 16, 2016

Cousin Jimmy McBride

Whatever happened to Jimmy McBride?

One time my mom and Buff and maybe Else drove to visit their cousin Jimmy McBride (only child--son of Aunt Flo) in Ohio. 

All three Mudie girls had bought their "Daddy" a 1929 Buick as a gift because he and Aunt Lou helped put them all through school. Well, Daddy refused to drive the car so the girls took turns with it.

Anyway, the girls drove to Ohio in their old car. Jimmy was kind of a big shot according to Mom, and he made fun of them for the amount of time it took for them to drive from Pittsburgh. He would have made the trip in half that time (or whatever he said).

Not that long afterwards, Jimmy McBride was killed when his car skidded into a tree in the rain. SPEEDING. He was 40 years old.
Jimmy McBride
Kenny Hamilton, Buffy, Elsie and Abbie Mudie

Jimmy was married to Rhea and had 4 children--- Jimmy, Roger, Julia and Frances (Francie). They were very young when he died and Aunt Lou, of course, came to the rescue giving the family money.

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