Blog Archive

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Barefoot at the Zoo

Our family met at the Pittsburgh Zoo to celebrate Mother's Day together one year. Before we even got in the gate, Kerry's flip flop broke. She was upset and she wanted to go home. But instead I helped her out. I gave her my Nike sneakers. She threw the flip flops in the garbage can and we started hiking around the zoo. I hiked the entire zoo in my brand new, ultra-thin socks. We enjoyed all the animals and many animals were becoming mothers. The baby gorilla clung to his mom and the baby tigers were growing. Of course my feet hurt from the tiny stones and the hard pavement along the path, but I felt good sacrificing my comfort for my daughter. It was Mother's Day and I was just being a mom like any other day. My socks were ruined  and my feet were sore, but I was happy celebrating all we moms do for our children. Happy Mother's Day!

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