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Monday, September 19, 2016

Aunt Lou and her ridiculous PRIVACY


                                          Aunt Lou and Buffy
Aunt Lou had some amusing quirks about her. She always talked about how she liked her "privacy." She would shut all the curtains, even going so far as to safety pin them shut

A family who had seven children lived in the house right behind hers along Mt. Troy Rd. Aunt Lou would always talk about the Nists, like they had nothing better to do but try to peek in to see what their neighbor was up to. MOM and I saw no signs that the Nists cared one iota about Aunt Lou's "private life." But no one could tell Aunt Lou that! What was she doing in that house that required so much privacy?
Was she smoking marijuana?
Where there strippers? Prostitution?
Were there drug deals going down?
NO. It was just her quirky way to be paranoid that everyone was looking in on her.
    When we were driving and we would pass a farmhouse or one lone house away from the road, Aunt Lou would say,

"Well, they certainly have their privacy."

It's become tradition for those of us who knew and loved Aunt Lou to point out houses still and say,"They have their privacy, don't they?" The other day there were several birds on an electrical wire and one by himself. Jan pointed out to my mother that the bird has his privacy. And my mom LAUGHS. We miss Aunt Lou, but keep her spirit alive by quoting her all the time.
Aunt Buffy and Aunt Lou

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