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Saturday, August 27, 2016

Three beautiful ladies

The three Mudie sisters
Elizabeth Anna Bachman, Elsie Louise Kennet and
MOM, Agnes Clark Geertz

Welcome to my blog!

I am going to TRY to create a blog about our Mudie family history. 

Mom is the only one left from her generation and she has stories to tell and pictures to share, so here we go.
Deer Valley, 2016   Here's Mom sitting on a bench
in memory of Deer Valley friend Richard Doucette.

Sing-along at Abbie's house--
Bruce and Buff, Deby and David and Elsie
playing the piano
Here are the Geertzes---Robert Malcolm,
Amy Louise, Lloyd Malcolm and
Agnes Clark
probably around 1978
There were some fruit trees growing at the Beaver
Falls house. Mom is in one of those trees and the house is
on the right. She graduated from Beaver Falls High School in 1948.
The picture was probably taken around that time. 

Lloyd and Abbie
Mom graduated from Beaver Falls High School in 1948.
She's with her parents, Grandma Sadie and David Mudie

The Roommates
friend Georgia, Abbie, Buff holding Baby Janny
and lifelong frend Louise Pade
These 4 ladies  (prior to Jan's arrival) lived in an apartment
in Mt. Lebanon when they were all teachers. Mom taught
kindergarten, 3rd grade and 5th grade. Buffy taught art. She was
a very talented artist,

I am sitting on Daddy's lap and Bobby is sitting next to us.
Love the leisure suit Bobby! This was probably
taken when I was in 5th grade and Bobby
was in 3rd grade.

Dad played the harmonica and this is such a great picture showing 
how Timmy (antisocial cat) and Wendall trusted him. Timmy was very shy.

My mom is in the front, Buffy is on the left and cousin Kenny is
on the right. Grandma was Elizabeth Walder. During
her last 8 years or so, she had Alzheimer's.
She had 2 daughters Flo and Sadie (father was Hartfeld) and
then 2 more daughters, Aunt Lou (Louise Walder) and
Aunt Elma.

Taken at the Mt. Troy house

Buffy and Abbie at the organ. In the background are cousins Kenny and Gladys. What happened
to the organ? Does anyone know?  They got the organ for "real cheap" at an auction, Mom said.

Buffy in the front then Sadie Mudie, little Gladys, then "Great Uncle Bill Boehmer" and Grandma Elizabeth Walder who were BROTHER AND SISTER (Elizabeth Walder is the mother of Flo, Sadie, Lou and Elma. Elizabeth also raised niece Elsie Lemke ) Bill and Grandma Elizabeth were 2 of 12 children and their last name was Boehmer. Cleveland contingent was Great Aunt Rosie,

Living in the country (suburban Beaver Falls). This was picking berries for Sadie to make a pie. This was not their house, but a neighbor Fogel's house.
My grandma Sadie Hartfeld Mudie (in stylish overalls and fashionable hat), Buffy and Abbie, Elsie Lemke and Uncle Bob (David Mudie's brother). There was a secret romance going on between Else and Bob. They'd all be in the living room and then everyone would go up to bed except those 2. Buff noticed this but my mom (Abbie) "didn't believe a word of it." Eventually they got married when they were in their 50s. Their secret was very amusing. Mom still laughs about it.
"Fogel" isn't pictured but he was a character. He had a wife once and they were married for 2 weeks. And she couldn't stand him.

Beautiful Buffy in white dress, Gladys behind her and then
David Mudie and his brother Uncle Bob and
 Elsie Lemke with arm to her face. On the right is Abbie in the back.
Sadie and then Kenny, Grandma Elizabeth Walder, and Aunt Lou facing us in glasses.

Beautiful Buffy

Sadie, their mom Elizabeth, and Louise (Aunt Lou)--I LOVE this picture!
Check out the radio.

Sadie, Elizabeth, Aunt Lou and Uncle John Mudie and Elsie Lou in front

Sadie and dog Danny

My mom thinks her mom Sadie, 17, is in the front. We both agree the girl on the left is Elma. Aunt Lou is two years older than Elma. Is Aunt Lou sitting on the fence with her hands in front of her face??? On the back of the pict it said Sadie, 17 and Elma. Mom has no idea who the guy in the hat. And who's the little girl in the back?

Kenny is driving, Buffy is holding "Cliffy", Else, Gladys and Ellen and then the one in the back was Melvin, an old boyfriend of Buffy.

This is "Cliffy", Clifford Hamilton. It was Buff's doing to have him pose in a Pitt shirt with a mortar board and book. She had him look "scholarly." "Cliffy was real cute, just a little guy." Sadly he ended up weighing about 600 lbs. and he could not even leave his house. He didn't fit through the door.

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