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Wednesday, August 16, 2017


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Back in 1979 we had a maternity ward in our family when Jan, Sue and Deby were all expecting. Kaitlin Seda Brennan was born on December 1, 1979. Two months later Dana Lynn Bachman was born on Feb. 7, 1980 and finally Lindsay Louise Bachman was born on May 1, 1980. These 3 beauties were known as the TRIPLETS. In this picture the triplets are reunited after 20 years. Gorgeous as ever!!!

Dad and the cast of Deliverance

Dad (Lloyd Geertz) and a guy named Lance Martin went to Georgia, where Deliverance was filmed, to give lessons on white water canoeing. 

Image result for cast of deliverance

I mostly just recall Dad telling me that, they used real mountain men for some scenes as background people. 
Dad, on the set, in trying to start a innocent conversation, approached one and stated something like, "Boy, the makeup man sure did a job on you."
Image result for Billy Redden

 Turns out that was the way the guy always looked and he wanted to kick Dad's butt for insulting him!! After numerous apologies, he calmed down. 

Deliverance - Dueling Banjos (HQ) - YouTube

Typical of Dad, he met Burt Reynolds, Jon Voight n Ned Beatty, very famous actors, but never asked for a autograph.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

1968 letter to Dave from Charlie

After Jack Mudie passed away in 2016, his wife Judy (that's right Judy Mudie) sent MOM a manila folder labled "Geertz." It contained letters from my MOM to JACK and his letters to her. It's incredibly organized with dates and everything. I have to write to her to thank her for saving this and sending it to us! They sent a lot of letters back and forth.

The oldest letter I came across was from my Uncle Charlie to my grandfather (Dave) written 6-17-68.

stationery says Princess Cruises        Typed exactly as written (no spell-check in the 60s)

                                                     4453 Firmament, Encino, Calif.

Dear Dave,
     Excuse the stationary. It wasn't nailed down, so I kept a sample. As usual I've got to start this letter by apologising for not writing to you sooner. I think I'll just have to conclude that anything newsworthy happening, and I just put off for something interesting to write about.

Am glad to say that I am feeling fairly well again, after a little set back from the Acapulco cruise Bud and I took. Seems the humidity of Acapulco and the change in water just didn't agree with me and I was sure glad to get home, even tho most of the time it was a very pleasant trip, and the discomfort only came on me the last two or three days of the trip. SO much for that. Marion and Bud are keeping well and am happy to say I have every comfort at home, but wish I could be a little more active. Came across the enclosed clipping the other day which I believe will intrigue you. Maybe you can solve why 72 should be the number which can give you so many answers.

Had to renew my driver's license recently, and am happy to say I got bye, tho just barely. Marion and I celebrated by driving over to Santa Monica with Ed Brown and having lunch at the Sea Lyon at the water's edge with Mr. Hubbard.

That's about all for now Dave. Glad to hear you are keeping fairly well and able to keep busy in your usual constructive manner.

                                                    As Ever,