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Saturday, February 11, 2017

YALE-- Pretty impressive

     Bob was a welder. In the 90s Bob's boss, Roy, hired a bunch of losers because he didn't want to pay them much money. Bob was not always welcoming of these new hires who didn't know what they were doing. He is a practical joker and often made fools of these workers.

     One day Roy told his employees that there's a new guy who's going to start working and he emphasized to leave this guy alone. He knows what he's doing, he's highly educated, and very smart.
He went to Yale for six years, so just don't even talk to him."

beautiful Yale campus in CT
"Just let him do his work." Bob was insulted. He wasn't allowed to talk to him.
After about three days, Bob saw that this new guy was "dumber than a cow." His curiosity was piqued so he started a conversation with "John," I think his name was.
"Hey man, I was just wondering where you got your skills." John fumbled for an answer and then Bob asked him "Didn't you go to college?"

"No. I didn't go to college." John named some high school, but then said he dropped out and never finished.
Bob was confused. "Didn't you go to Yale? Roy said you went to Yale for 6 years."
"What??? No. OHHHHH. He misunderstood me. I said I went to JAIL for 6 years."

When Bob and his cronies heard that, Bob told everyone, "No one tells Roy. I WANT TO BE THE ONE WHO TELLS ROY." I just don't know how they managed to keep a straight face! John didn't last long on the job. I don't think Roy was very happy and John quickly was nicknamed the "Yalebird."